
Rules & Regulations
As a participant of Montreal Urban Race you agree to abide by the “Rules and Regulations” and the “Consent, Release Waiver, Code of Conduct and Indemnity Agreement.” In addition to these agreements, you must strictly adhere to the following commandments. If you violate the Rules and Regulations or break a commandment, you and your team become eligible for immediate disqualification.
Registration - You are eligible to register if you are over the age of 18. The game show is in English, thus being fluent in English is necessary. The game requires the use of a smart phone with a data plan, ensure that 1 out of the 2 member holds a functional device. To complete your registration, you must fill out the Registration Form on our website by August 12 2015 11:59:59 PM EST.
Auditions - The first part of the auditions will happen via a Skype meeting with casting. It is mandatory that both members are present during this meeting. If successful, you will receive a notice by email with the date, time and location on which the auditions will take place. Both members will need to be present for the auditions. Please note that the auditions will be filmed for review purposes. Only those accepted will receive notice before September 2015 with further instructions.
Requirements - Both team members will need to sign the Release Waiver, Code of Conduct & Indemnity Agreement forms as well as attend all orientation and filming sessions scheduled. Any absence or tardiness deemed not valid will result in the disqualification of the participating team. At a minimum one (1) team-mate needs to hold a smartphone with a data plan. During the race the internal mobile GPS needs to be activated to track players via a designated Google Account. The mobile app what3words is required to advance in the game.
Behaviour during the Race - You are not permitted to physically, emotionally or psychologically hurt or attack yourself, another racer or anyone inside or outside the Montreal Urban Race. We take this rule very seriously. Any bullying or attacking of other participants during the hunt for whatever reason will not be accepted.
Breaking The Law - Montreal Urban Race is not liable for any laws broken during the race by the participants. You will assume all responsibility when facing the a law enforcement. Since we can’t physically prevent you from your actions; Montreal Urban Race reserves the rights to attributing penalty when facing with jaywalking (+ 20 Min).
Cheating - Cheating is prohibited in this game. Cheating includes calling a friend or family member for help, skipping challenges, searching answers on the internet, bringing mobile phone in washroom (phones must be forfeited when entering washrooms). Google Maps is allowed. Cheating will result in disqualification.
Running - Running is not allowed in the race. For each minute of running an additional 20 minutes will be added to the arrival time. Why would you want to run really, you are here to appear on a TV Show.
*Certain restrictions applied
Modes of Transit - Walking is the only mode of transit allowed during the race, unless indicated otherwise. Same goes for using indoor paths.
Gamemaster Hotline - If you are faced to be stuck in the game, a tip service is offered to you during the game. You can only use this function once. If service not available, your service will not be expired. We recommend you to share tips with other teams as the game could get quite hard without the help of the Gamemaster.
what3words - what3words is not affiliated to any of the content or topics of the game nor does it represent the views and values of any of their staff members or brands. Montreal Urban Race has obtained the rights to use their app as an engine to run the game.
Challenges - At each level you will be faced with a challenge. If the challenge asks you to visit an area you get to enter for free. Follow the instructions provided by your Team Assistant. “How to Play” Document. explains how to complete your challenges.
Please take the time to read the challenges sent by the Gamemaster at loud so that the audience can hear it too. If not done properly, you will lose time by repeating it.
Interaction - We ask you to interact with each other, with other teams and with the audience as much as possible. Be aware that this is a PG Rated show and ask to keep swearing to a minimum.
The Prize - There is a prize allocated to the winners of the race at the end of the show. Montreal Urban Race reserves the rights to keep all rewards until all episodes have been published to avoid any spoiling. The Montreal Urban Race Team and Bell Local Team are not obliged to allocate any additional compensation than agreed upon.
After The Show - We encourage all participants to engage with the audience online and talk about the show. Please avoid any spoiling, no one likes spoilers.
The Show - The show will be published on Bell Local and then on YouTube and www.montrealurbanrace.com